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全英英语说课Lesson Plan Interpretation

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全英英语说课Lesson Plan Interpretation小学英语说课稿,

Hello!  Everyone ! It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.

   The content of  my  lesson  is <<PEP primary English>> ‘‘Book 6 Unit5 A let’s learn’’

   I’ll explain it from the following five aspects: the status and the function of teaching material, the key points and difficulties ,the teaching objectives, the teaching methods and the studying ways and the teaching procedure.

I. The status and the functions of the teaching material.

Now, let’s look at the status and the function of the teaching material. the content od this lesson is mainly about the present progressive from of verbs ,Ss have been familiar with verbs ,such as fly, walk ,jump .they also have learnt the present progressive from of verbs in last unit .so ,I think much emphasis should be put on the regulation of present progressive from and the sentence structure ‘‘Look at the …….,   It’s ……’’in this class.

II. The key points and the difficulties.

  Second  part is mainly about the key points and the difficulties.

Key points: 1. The present progressive from such as flying, jumping, walking ,running and swimming .2.Ss can use the key sentence structure, ‘‘Look at the …….,   It’s ……’’.

Difficulties: 1,How to spell the present progressive from of run ,swim, jump ,walk and fly.2, The use of the present progressive from in sentences structure ‘‘Look at the …….,   It’s ……’’.

III. The   Teaching   Objectives.

     Here comes the part of the teaching objectives. We can see this part from following three points.

a)      Knowledge objectives

Students should learn to listen, read ,write and say the present progressive form, such as flying ,jumping ,walking, running and swimming. Ss should know about the page of 64 (task time ) in Book 6 unit 5.



b)     Ability objectives. 

Students should learn to use the sentences such as ‘‘Look at the tiger, It’s running ’’. to describe the activities. Students can grasp the useful sentences and use it in a certain language circumstance. Students can complete the task time (the page of 64).

c)      Emotion objectives

Cultivating students  love the nature and the animals.



IV. Teaching  Methods  and the Studying way

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  Now , I’d like to talk about the teaching methods and the teaching ways. In  this  lesson ,I use some interesting games and set some language circumstance, such kind of teaching method will make students study language gradually and naturally .pair work and group work also will be used in my class.

 During the whole teaching  procedure ,something will be used my teaching . so before the class. I have to prepare some word cards   some pictures of the animals, recorder ,ppt and a set of multi-media equipment.

V. The Teaching procedure

   This is the most important part in my lesson plan.


It’s includes five steps: warm up activities, revision and presentation, pattern drill and dialogue teaching, communicative practice and consolidation.

  Step1 Warm-up activities

  This step will be divided in two parts.  First,   ‘‘sing a song’’

 In this part students can enjoy the song ,at the same time , the song can creat an English environment.

  The second part is ‘listen and do’ I will say a sentence and Ss will act it, eg: “Act like a tiger”. Some words appear in the new dialogue will be used in this pare ,it will help Ss to prepare for the study of the new dialogue. Warm up activities creat an English language  atmosphere the makes students get into the state of learning English . The song ,action and

“listen and do ’’are  related to the class . it will prepare for the next step on the study.

Setp2 Revision

   In this step, It will be divided in to two parts .First, “let’s chant’’ ‘Walk, walk ,the elephant can walk. Run, run ,the can dog ………”.second ,I will show some animal pictures. I will Ss ‘ What can you see?”  Ss will say  “I can see….”.then I will ask   “what can they do ?”

Ss will say “the elephant can ….”and I will lead-in a language circumstance “A sport meeting will be held in the forest.”

 Stiuational Teaching make students to learn language more meaningful ,at the same time Ss can review the name of the animals.

Step3 Presentation

  In this step the multi-media will play an important role. I will play the sound of an elephant , let’s Ss guess what is it? Then ,I will show a picture of the walking elephant on the screen by the multi-media .I will ask “ What is it dong ?” “It’s walking” Ss said.

“Yes, the elephant is walking.” We can practice the word ‘walking’ ‘ walking like a tiger/ dog/……’ let’s Ss act it out. After that ,they can also do it in pairs. www.ertong6.com >

Using the sound of an elephant to lead the new class can not only help students to train the ability of reading ,listening ,but also can mobilize students’ sense and curiosity that will make the class more active .


After finish practice ,two rabbits will be shown on the screen, the one is running ,the other is jumping .First ,I’ll show the one is running on the screen. I will ask “Look at the rabbit  ,Is it walking?” “No.”  “ What is it doing?”    “It’s running” . I will click the other rabbit.”  “Look at the rabbit , What is it doing?”. “It’s jumping” to practice the two words, I will show some animal pictures. Let’s Ss found out which animal is running ,which one is jumping. “  The  --------   is ving ”.

According to the animals picture I will add a picture of the fish.


I will show the picture of the  fish . “Look at the fish ,What is it ding?”               “ It’ s swimming”

To practice the word of ‘swimming’  “ 1, …..is swimming. 2, ….swimming in the lake/…….”the sentence structure will put on the screen .


After practice “swimming” I will ask “The fish is swimming in the shy?” “NO” .

Then show a picture of a bird. “Look at the bird, what is it doing?” “ It’s flying”.

“Yes, the bird is flying in the sky”. Then, I will show a picture of the sky. I will put the sentence on the screen. “Maybe,  …….is  flying in the sky.” Let’s Ss practice the word of ‘flying’. in this part ,I will lead to Ss to pay more attention to the pronunciation and the spelling of the words .Students’ ability of imagination will be trained.

Step4 Pattern Drill

In this step many activities will be  used .

1, Activity  “Look and guess”

 In this part ,  I will ask a student  come to the stage to chose a word. They have learnt in this class and let’s the student act it out as an animal. The rest of the students   guess ‘  What is it doing?’  The guessing game can ont only make the class more active ,but will help Ss to remember some words.

2,Activity,  “ find and write”

 In  this part ,I will give Ss some verbs such as fly ,walk , run …….. and ask Ss to change then into the present progressive forms. Doing the this Ss should observe the new word (flying , walking, running ….) and the words they have learnt last unit and help them to find out the difference. Let’s Ss know the regulation of verbs present progressive form.


3,Activity , “read and write ”

In this part, I show some animal pictures let’Ss guess .  “ What is it doing?”

I will show some pictures and the key sentences.  “Look at the ….. ,  It’s …….”  On the screen. Ss can read the sentences  look at the picture ,Ss can fill in the blank.

“Look at the …..   It’s……

Look at   the …….  It’s ….

……   “ After  that ,make a chant according to above.

Make a chant

  “ Look  at the bird ,It’s flying.

Look at the  horse ,  It’s jumping.

Look at the fish,   It’s swimming”               

Then pair work . This step will train Ss’ ability of reading passage through the chant , practice the key words by pattern drill  everyone can read it.

Step5  Consolidation

First, ‘Look and guess’

In this part I will show a half picture of Fu w a .Let’ Ss guess What is it doing?`

The sentence structure will be shown on the screen “ Look at  the …..   It’s ……..”then show a passage “The Fuwa are in the animal sports meeting ,they ‘re reporter  to describe the sport meeting.” Let’s Ss choose a  FuWa  as a reporter

Hello !I am Jingjing /Huanhuan ….

Look at the …..  It’s …….

Look at the …..  It’s …….

Look at the …..  It’s …….

Look at the …..  It’s …….



At last of the teaching procedure, I will show the whole dialogue to the students .

Designing this lesson ,I put the emphasis on the development of the students’ abilities . Through the changeable activities and games, relative real communicating circumstances, and some useful methods , I believe the students’ abilities of using language will be improved greatly.

Any way, this lesson is still not perfect .Please give me your comments and suggestion. Thank you for your attention!




                           Unit 5

 A let’s learn



        walking   running  jumping  swimming  flying


               Look at the …….

                It’s ……….

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