

04-03 16:23:20| http://www.ertong6.com |小学四年级英语试卷|人气:628



J__nuary(    )  M__ __ ch(    )  M__ __(    ) F__bruary(    )

A__ __il(     )  J__ __e(   )  J__ly(   )  S__ __tember(    )

N__vember(   ) A__gust(   ) O__ _tober(  ) D__cember(    )

p_nc_l (    )  _r_ser (     ) p_p_r (     )  sc_ss_r(     )

ch_lk (     ) gl_e(     ) m_rk_r(     ) ch_ir(     )

sch_ _l(     ) p_n  (    ) S _ _day(    )  s_nw_(   )

j_ _ns(  ) av_ _ue(  ) twel_th(  ) fort_ _th(  )


is, What,  it,  day


Wednesday,  June, It’s,  twenth


your,  desset, is ,What, favourite



the,   today,   weather,  how’s


are ,   wearing ,  you, What


leaves,  wind,  the,  blowing,  is,  the,  tree’s,  off



(  )1、What’s your favourite school work ?     

(  )2、When is lunch ?

(  )3、How do you go to school?

(   )4、What are you wearing ?

(  )5、What day is it ?              

A 、 By car .

  B、I like to read books .

  C、It’s twelve o’clock .

  D 、 It’s Saturday .

  E 、I’m wearing shorts .



1.How’s the weather? 

It’s ___.

 A.sun     B sunny   C snow

2.I work hard(  )school .

A.on    B.at   C. in

3.What is the third day of the

week?(  )

A.Thursday  B.Tuesday    C.Wednesday

4.The boy (  ) a red hat is my


 A.  on  B.  in  C.  above 

5. How are you?  (  ), thanks. A. Fine   B. Yes   C. Good

6. What is it?  

It is  (  ) paper.
A. a   B. /   C. an

7. What’s (  )name?

A. you   B. his   C. she

8、They are (  )books in the library .

A、seeing  B、reading 


9、(  )favourite fruit is orange .

 A、You  B、I  C、My

10、(  )is June first .

 A、Children’s Day 

B、National Day  C、Women’s Day

11、The school is(  )from my house .

 A、long   B、near   C、far

12、(  )is your birthday ? 

  --December first

A、What   B、When   C、Who

13、What’s your (  )?   ­­

It’s 858 Ninth Avenue .

  A、address  B、 name   C、old

14、I like to play(  )  my doll and my skipping rope .

    A、to    B、on   C、with



1、今天是星期几?           day is it today ?

2、你最喜欢的衣服是什么?  What is your      clothes .

3、我们的点心是相同的. Our desserts are the        .

4、你有多高?  How       are you ?

5、今天的天气怎么样?  How is the         today ?










Today is Saturday.It’s rainy. After supper,my father turns on the TV.Now he is watching TV in the living room. My mother is in the kitchen. She is washing the dirty dishes.I’m doing my homework in the reading room. Everyone in my house is quiet. We are a happy family.



(    )1. What day is it?

A.It’s Monday.   B. It’sSaturday.   C.It’s rainy.

(    )2.What is my mother doing?

 A.She is watching TV.   B. She is doing her homework.

C.She is doing her housework.

(   )3.Where am I?

A. I’m in the living room. B.I’m in the kitchen. C.I’m in the reading room.

(    )4.What time is it?

A.It’s about 7:00 in the morning.

B.It’s about 9:00 at night.

C.It’s about 1:00 in the afternoon.

