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牛津英语6AModule 1检测试卷

04-03 16:32:37| http://www.ertong6.com |小学五年级英语试卷|人气:606
牛津英语6AModule 1检测试卷小学五年级英语试卷,

牛津英语6AModule 1检测试卷


班级           姓名                   


、听力部分  30%


一.听句子,选单词 10%


1. (          A. young           B. younger          C. heavier

2. (          A. beach           B. peach            C. which

3. (          A. mouths          B. month           C. months

4. (          A. usually          B. always           C. never

5. (          A. quickly          B. quietly           C. loudly

6. (          A. bicycle          B. cycle            C. read

7. (          A. eat              B. ate             C. eight

8. (          A. same            B. some           C. the same

9. (          A. sometimes        B. sometime       C. some time

10. (         A. people’s square station                B. People’s Square station

C. People’s Square Station


二、听句子,选回答 10%


1. (             A. How do you do ?             B. How old are you ?

2. (             A. Fine, thank you.              B. It’s sunny.

3. (             A. There are seven people.        B. They are seven years old.

4. (             A. We’re going to take a bus.      B. I want to have a bus.

5. (             A. I want to have a picnic.        B. No, they aren’t.


三、听短文,判断对错(对的用T,错的用F) 10%


1. (      There are 6people in Danny’s family.

2. (      The Wangs live in different flat.

3. (      They live in an old block.

4. (      Danny is 12 years old.

5. (      They have a cat.


二、书写部分 70%




yesterday  i  went  to  city  park




二、看图,选择数字填入横线上 5%


1fountain     2skate    3each other    4height       5 share


1. I like to _______ on Sundays. It’s interesting.

2. There is a beautiful ________ in the middle of the People’s Square.

3. The pig is too heavy. The_________ is 100 kilogrammes. The farmer will kill it.

4. We always __________ food together.

5. We usually study __________ because we are good friends.


三、选择最佳答案, 填入括号内 10%

(    )1. My friend is thin, but your friend is __________.

          A. thinner    B. bigger     C. taller     D. shorter

(    )2. I have got an __________ brother. I am two years younger than him.

          A. old       B. older     C. young     D. younger

(    )3. I like to see films, but I can’t often go to the __________.

          A. beach    B. supermarket   C. park    D. cinema

(    )4. Ben never plays football __________ his sister.

          A. with    B. by     C. and     D. for

(    )5. Yao Ming is__________than everyone in our class.

          A. tall    B. taller     C. short     D. shorter

(    )6. Alice, Kitty and I are good friends. We__________ to school by bike.

          A. both go    B. go both     C. all go     D. go all

(    )7. It’s ten o’clock. It’s time __________ class.

          A. to    B. with     C. for     D. of

(    )8. Mike is Mary’s brother, so Mary is Mike’s __________.

          A. brother    B. sister     C. father     D. mother

(    )9. __________ they go to the same school ?

          A. Are    B. Do     C. Is    D. Does

(    )10. There was _____ old lady. She _______ in a shoe.

          A. a ; lives    B. an ; lives     C. an ; lived    D. a ; lived








  to see


   are… going to get


   is singing




(    )1. We want __________some birds tomorrow.

(    )2. How __________we________to the school ?

(    )3. Listen ! Kitty __________loudly .

(    )4. Alice sometimes __________ the dishes.

(    )5. Yesterday I __________ many in the park..

五、选择正确的翻译,将序号填入括号内 10%


(    )1. 我们总是互相帮助。

          A. We always help each other.         B. We always each other help.

(    )2. 我打算乘公交车去学校。

          A. I want to go to school on foot.       B. I’m going to take the bus to go to school.

(    )3. 让我们一起去鸟舍吧。

          A. Let’s go to the aviary together.       B. Let we go to the aviary together.

(    )4. 我们通常一起上学。

          A. We usually go to school together.     B. We sometimes go to school together.

(    )5. 我们打算怎样去那里 ?

          A. How are we going to get to there ?    B. How are we going to get there ?




Tom is a little boy. He is five. Today his father takes him to see his grandparents. His home is far away from his grandparents. So they are going there by bus. There are only nine people on it. They all have seats. Tom is very happy. He is running on the bus. His father says, “don’t run! Sit down, please. ” “I miss my grandfather and grandmother very much. I want this bus to go faster.” Tom says.

    )  1. Tom goes to see his grandparents with his mother.
    )  2. Tom goes to see his grandparents’ home by bus.
    )  3. Tom and his father are running on the bus.
    )  4. Tom’s home is far away from his grandparents’.
    )  5. The driver tells Tom to sit down.

B. 选择正确答案,填入括号。

     Mike comes from America. He is twelve. His father Mr. Brown works in a big shop in Beijing. Mike has a sister. Her name is Kate. She is only four.

     It is Saturday today. Mike’s family is all at home. Mr. Brown is sitting in a chair and reading today’s newspaper. Mrs. Brown is out of the house; she is watering the flowers. Is Mike with his mother? No, he is cleaning his new bike. Where is Kate? She is in her room. She is playing with her cat. What a happy family!


(    )1. Where does Mike come ?

          A. England             B. China        C. America

(    )2. Mike’s sister is ___________ years old younger than him.

          A. twelve              B. four         C. eight

(    )3. Mr. Brown is reading _________________.

          A. today’s newspaper    B. a magazine    C. a book

(    )4. Kate is playing with her ____________.

          A. dog                B. puppy        C. cat

(    )5. It is ______________ today..

          A. Sunday             B. Saturday       C. Friday


1. 请以我的朋友 My friend为题, 写一篇英语作文. 要求至少6句.

2. 可以参考下列词组, 也可以自由发挥.

3. 请至少写一句使用比较级的句子。

 Tips:  I have a…    

He/She is….        tall, thin, strong, fat…  )

He/ She has…      short hair, big eyes, a small mouth…  )

He / She likes…     playing basketball, listening to music…  )
























    1.From what number can you take half and leave nothing?
            A. 1      B. 9     C.8        D. 5

    2. What dog never barks?
          A big dog   B hot dog  C small dog  D red dog

    3.You can play with Bill. He is not  in the same class. .
           A.他与你不是同班  B.他是个生手  C.他棒极了     D.他不是你的对手

    4.He’ll succeed because he’s always at his books..
           A.学识渊博         B.博览群书    C.刻苦学习      D.意志

     ) 5.Ten to ten the train will be late.
          A很可能       B十分之一     C九点五十       D十比一

附:牛津英语6AModule 1检测试卷





一.听句子,选单词 10%


1. I’m younger than Grandma.

2. Let’s go to the beach.

3. Kitty is 11years 4 months.

4. Mike usually go to school by Ferry.

5. We can run quickly.

6. Danny likes to ride bicycle here.

7. Yesterday we ate some rice and noodles.

8. Are they the same of different ?

9. I sometimes go to the supermarket with my mother.

10. How can we get to People’s Square Station ?


二、听句子,选回答 10%


1.  How do you do ?      

2.  What’s the weather like today ?

3.  How many people are there in your family ?

4.  How are you going to get to Zhongshan Park?

5.  What do you want to do ?


三、听短文,判断对错(对的用T,错的用F) 10%


    Hi, I’m Danny Wang. Can you see my family ? This is my brother, Ben. These are my mother and father. Those are my grandmother and grandfather. We live in the same flat. It is in a new block in Yunzhong Garden Estate. I’m twelve years old. Ben is twelve years old, too. We are in the same school, but we are not in the same class. We go to school on foot. We have a pet. It’s a lovely cat. We all like it.


附加题答案:1.C  2.B  3.D  4.C   5. A
