

04-03 16:33:32| http://www.ertong6.com |小学五年级英语试卷|人气:340


一.  听录音,看图,用数字1-10在相应图片下标号


(   )         (   )        (   )         (   )        (   )


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二.  将你所听到的词组的序号填入括号内

(   )1. A. computer corner      B. science corner      C. art corner

(   )2. A. study plants          B. study animals      C. study a farmer’s work

(   )3. A do morning exercises   B. do eye exercises     C. do printing

(   )4. A. on the field           B. on the playground    C. on the floor

(   )5. A. in the forest          B. at the party          C. on a farm

三.  听问句,找答语

(   )1. A. Yes, there is.      B. Yes, there are.      C. No, they aren’t.

(   )2. A. We read stories.    B. No, there isn’t.     C. We play football.

(   )3. A. Yes, I like.        B. I like it very much.   C. Yes, I do.

(   )4. A. We play football on the field.    B. Yes, we do.    C. No, we can’t.

(   )5. A. Yes, there are.      B. No, there isn’t.      C. Certainly.

四.  听写

1.       We can ________ and _________ in our English class.

2.       Are there any _________ for __________?

3.       What do you do in the __________?  We _______ story books.

4.       ________ do you like science field trip?   I like it ______ much.

5.       Here are _______ _______ for you.




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(    )      (    )          (    )       (    )        (    )

1. I want to listen to music.        2. We often play football on the field.

3. I have a cough today.           4. The tiger cubs can jump through a ring.

5. I go to school by bike.          6. I’m kid’s father.

7. They want to go swimming.      8. We often study plants and animals in the science corner.

9. There is a library in our school.    10. I can play violin in the music club.



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(    )       (    )

1. –Do you often read books in library?

  -- Yes, I do.      

2. – What do you do in music club?

  -- I can play the violin..

3. – Where do you play football?

  -- We play football on the field.

4. – What do you do in the morning?

  -- We do morning exercise

5. –How do you like field trips?

  -- I like them very much


(   )1. Is there _____ sheep on the farm?    A. any    B. some    C. a

(   )2. What _____ he do in the art club?  A. does   B. do      C. are

(   )3. The students borrow books _____ the library.    A. from    B. to     C. at

(   )4. Lucy and Kate ______ a balloon.     A. have    B. are     C. has

(   )5. We play football _____ the field.     A. at       B. on     C. to

(   )6. There are some games _____ girls.   A. in        B. at       C. for

(   )7. My school is famous _____ its sports.    A. at      B. to      C. for

(   )8. Do you like _____ football?         A. play     B. playing     C. to play

(   )9. A re there _____ computers in your class?    A. any     B. some     C. a

(   )10. What’s wrong with Kate?   She ____ a cough.    A. have    B. is     C. has

(   )11. My feet ______.                 A. hurts     B. hurt      C. hurting

(   )12. I like _____ English.              A. listening to     B. listen to     C. listening

(   )13. I’m ____ about my lessons.         A. worry     B. worries     C. worried

(   )14. Can I __________?          A. try them     B. try them on     C. try on them

(   )15. We can _____ in the music club.     A. sing     B. singing     C. sings


(   )1.你想知道Mark 来自哪里,你该这样问:

      A. Where does Mark come from?    B. What does Mark do?

(   )2. 你的朋友想知道你在科学角做什么,你应该回答:

      A. I do printing on the paper.      B. I study plants and animals.

(   )3. 你想知道你们一周上几次科学课,你该怎样问:

      A. How often do you have science class a week?   

B. How many science class do you have a week?

(   )4. 你想表达自己对科学考察的感觉,该怎样说:

      A. I like them very much.      B. Sure, here you are.

(   )5. 你告诉你的好朋友Kate,男孩子们正在玩曲棍球,你这样说:

      A. The boys are playing hockey.     B. The boys can play hockey.


1.在你们的教室里有一个图书馆。 There is a _________ in your _________.

2. 欢迎来到我们学校。            ___________ to our __________.

3. 有一些给女孩子们的游戏吗?    Are there any ________ for _________?

4. 这些花非常美丽。      These _________ are very __________.

5. 我们的功课非常有趣。  Our ___________ are very ___________.


A: May I ask you some questions?      B: ___________________________

A: ___________________________    B: We have thirty classes.

A: ___________________________    B: Twice a week.

A: How do you like science trips?       B: __________________________

A: _________________________       B: Yes, there is.

A: __________________________      B: We read storybooks.

A: Thank you.

A. What do you do in the library?    B. Is there a library in your classroom?

C. I like them very much.           D. How often do you have science classes?

E. How many classes do you have a week?     F. Yes, please.


A: Look! There are many animals in the zoo.    B: Yes. There are some goats over there. Are there any sheep over there?

A: Yes, there are. And they are playing with       B: Do the lambs like playing rugby?

their children, lambs.

A: No, they don’t. They like playing football.      B: Where do they play football?

A: They play football on the field.                B: Are there any games for the goats?

A: Yes, there are. This zoo is famous for its sports.  B: What’s under the tree?

A: Oh, there is an owl. Do you like owl?          B: Yes, I do. It can catch the mouse for people.

(   )1. Many animals are ________.    A. at the park    B. in the class    C. in the zoo

(   )2. There are some ______ over there.    A. sheep    B. goats and sheep    C. goats

(   )3. ______ are playing with lambs?      A. Sheep     B. Goats     C. Horses

(   )4. Lambs play football ________.    A. on the field   B. in the class   C. on the playground

(   )5. ________ is under the tree.        A. A sheep     B. An owl      C. A goat 


This is a photo of my classroom. All the chairs and desks are in groups. We usually do group work. There are twelve computers in our classroom. There is also a science corner. We often study plants and animals in it. We have a mini-library in our classroom. We read storybooks and look at the cartoons. We like our class very much.

1.       Is this a photo of my classroom? ____________________________

2.       A re there any computers in our class? ______________________________

3.       What do you do in the science corner? ______________________________

4.       Do you have a mini-library in your classroom? _______________________

5.       How do you like your classroom? __________________________________
