

04-03 16:43:23| http://www.ertong6.com |小学六年级英语试卷|人气:201
(     ) 1. A. baseball         B. basketball
(     ) 2. A. cup              B. cap
(     ) 3. A. letter           B. matter
(     ) 4. A. space            B. spent
(     ) 5. A .bought           B. brought
(     ) 6. A. game             B. came
(     ) 7. A. went             B. cent
(     ) 8. A. win              B. won
(     ) 9. A . ate             B. eat
(     )10. A. head             B. read  
(    )中学
(    )制作卡片
(    )学习汉语
(    )一个小时
(    )犯错误
(    )一本关于美国的书
(    )练习我的英语
(    )成为一名护士
(    )我们的野餐
(    )飘走
(    )1. A. She is sad       B. He is happy     C. She is happy
(    )2. A. Today            B. At 6:30         C. This week
(    )3. A. A teacher        B. At school       C. No
(    )4. A. I like English   B. I like football C . I like noodles
(    )5.A. I was born in Weifang    B. I was born in 1991
C. I live in Weifang
   1. apples   are   down   the   falling    stairs    the

   2. eat   want   do   what   you   to ?

   3.you   bought   this   I    book

   4. am   I   how   practise    my   to   French    going   ?

   5. is it because    going     snow     to

   (    )1. He goes to school ______ bike.
         A. ride         B. by        C. on
   (    )2. He was very proud ______ his father.
         A. of          B. to         C. for
   (    )3. _____September, I am going to go to school.
         A. For         B. In         C. On
   (    )4. Don’t look out ______ the window.
         A. in          B. on         C. of
   (    )5. Daming _____ football, but his teacher is calling.
         A. plays       B. played      C. is playing
   (    )6. He ______ the birthday card last night.
          A. is making      B. made         C. makes
   (    )7. Helen was blind, she couldn’t ______.
         A. hear        B. say          C. see
   (    )8. I _____ a book and ____ it to my brother
         A. bought , gave B. bought, give   C. buy, give
   (    )9. –What do you want to eat?
              – _________
          A. Mike           B. Juice       C. Meat
   (    )10. Am I going to have a birthday party?
         A. Yes, I am.     B. Yes, I can.    C. No, you aren’t
      Pigs are ________ _________ the trees.
      I am playing the _________ , but the _________ is ringing.
      Yang Liwei _________ about twenty-one _______ in space.
      Helen ________ _______ in 1880.
      These newspapers are ________ _________.
   1.–What’s your favourite subject ?
   2.–How do you go to school ?
   3.–Do you like English ?
      – Why ?
   4.–What did you do yesterday ?
九、阅读短文判断,与原文内容相符T,反之F (10分)
    Three years ago, I was seventeen. I became a pilot, I was very happy. I learnt very hard, because I wanted to become a taikonaut. Jiuquan Space Centre is my dream. Yang Liwei was in there. I wrote a letter to him, and he wrote to me. I am very proud of him, and he said to me:“You are a good boy! I hope your dream become true.”
(    ) 1. I am twenty.
(    ) 2. I don’t like Yang Liwei.
(    ) 3. I am a taikonaut.
(    ) 4.Yang Liwei is in Jiuquan Space Centre.
(    ) 5. I am in Jiuquan Space Centre.

