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Unit1 Who is younger?教学设计

04-03 14:52:38| http://www.ertong6.com |小学英语教案|人气:229
Unit1 Who is younger?教学设计小学英语教案,

A.Teaching contents:

  PartA.Listen,read and say

B.Teaching aims:

1.掌握四会单词和词组glad,than,as…as,go for a walk。


3.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语I’m as tall as you. Su Yang’s         twenty minutes younger than Su Hai.

4.能初步了解课文的三部分内容:背景提示部分交代了时间、地点、人物及他们所做的事情;对话的前半部分比较了Su Hai.和Su Yang;后半部分比较了Jack和Jimmy。

C.Teaching procedure:

Step1.Lead in


T:Good morning,boys and girls.Today we’ll learn Unit1 Who is younger?Part A Listen,read and say.

2.  多媒体呈现图片(刘翔、姚明)

T:First,let’s look at this picture. This is Liu Xiang.He is thin and tall. Who is he?(指姚明图片)

Ss:He is Yao Ming.

T:Yes,he’s Yao Ming.He’s thin and tall,too.Who’s taller,Liu Xiang or Yao Ming?

Ss: Yao Ming.

T:Yes,Yao Ming is taller.

【设计意图:通过让学生比较他们喜欢的且有明显特征的运动员的高矮,有效地复习了形容词的比较级,既活跃了课堂气氛又为下面教学Su Ha和Su Yang,Jack和Jimmy的比较打下基础。】


      T:Yao Ming is tall.I wish I was taller,as tall as Yao Ming.And you?I wish you can grow tall,as tall as Yao Ming.Let’s sing a song. “I wish I was taller”(将歌词中的you替换成Yao Ming)【设计意图:通过将歌词替换让学生能产生更强烈的学习兴趣,歌曲的演唱既复习了旧知又渲染了气氛。】



        T:They can grow tall and strong,too. Who are they?Do they look the same?

        S:Yes,they do.

        T:Because they are twins.(师领读twins)

     2. 教学背景提示部分:

        T:(出示课文挂图)Look at this picture,this is Su Hai.Where is she?What is she doing?Please read these sentences.Then answer these questions.(板书When  Where  Who  What)请画出表示这些内容答案的词


www.ertong6.com p;  Ss:Read.(边读边画)

       T:Who can answer these questions?

       Ss:Answer.(on Sunday morning ,in the park ,Su Hai 、Ben and Jack , have a chat)

       T:Yes,you are right.What does“have a chat”mean?(用以前学过的词解释)

       Ss:(在师提示下回答) say,talk about something



     T:On Sunday morning,Su Hai went for a walk in the park..She met Ben and his cousin Jack..They talked about something. What did they say?Read the dialogue by yourselves.Think:What did they talk about?(教学go for a walk)



    Ss:They talked about Su Hai and Su Yang,Jack and Jimmy.(在师引导下得出答案)



    T:What did they talk about Su Hai and Su Yang?Please listen.(多媒体呈现)(要求学生边听边将表示苏海和苏阳比较的词画出来)


 Ss:Listen and draw then answer(look the same ,taller than Su Yang ,twenty minutes younger)

 T:(根据学生的回答相机板书)Su Hai and Su Yang look the same.She is taller than Su Yang.Su Yang is twenty minutes younger than Su Hai.


 T:What about Jack and Jimmy?Please listen.(多媒体呈现)Who’s Jimmy?听好后为Jimmy制作一张名片,能说明Jimmy的身份。

 Ss:Listen, 制作名片

 T:(将两名学生制作的名片摆放到投影仪上,师生共同评议,师相机板书:Jack’s dog,Jack’s mum’s child,Jack’s brother)

T&Ss:Say it together:Jimmy is Jack’s dog,he is Jack’s mum’s child,he is Jack’s brother.


www.ertong6.com 手制作名片确定Jimmy的身份,实际是让学生能通过Jimmy的身份的了解,理解这部分的主要内容,便于学生记忆】


 T:Su Hai,Ben and Jack had a chat.They talked about Su Hai and Su Yang,Jack and Jimmy.Who’s younger?


T:Let’s talk about them together.For example:(投影两组例句)

  a:Su Hai and Su Yang are twins.They look the same.She is taller than Su Yang….

  b:Su Hai has a twin sister.Her name’s Su Yang….

Ss:Work in pairs,repeat the text.(以上述两句为例,自己组织语言以旁观者的身份说说Su Hai and Su Yang,Jack and Jimmy.)



Ss:Read the text together.


1.T:Su Hai is telling Su Yang about Jack..Can you complete the sentences?(多媒体呈现)

Ss:Complete the sentences.


Ss:Read the sentences together.


2.T:Mary,Wang Bing and John are talking about something.Please open your exercise books.Turn to Page6 PartF.

 Ss:Complete and answer..


Step.5 Consolidation

 T:If you have a good friend.You can talk about you and your friend.(呈现作文要求)

   Talk about you and your friend.Is he/she taller than you?Is he/she older than you?


 Ss:Work in pairs




  1.Recite the text

  2.Write down the composition







                               Unit1 Who is younger?




                    Su Hai __look the same______Su Yang

                             taller than

                           twenty minutes older



                    Jack  One year older   Jimmy 

                          Mum’s   child

                         Jack’s brother  (B)
