

04-03 16:25:32| http://www.ertong6.com |小学四年级英语试卷|人气:573


1、当你想介绍你的朋友John给别人时,应说:(      )

A、This is John .   B、I am John   C、My name’s  John

2、当你想问你的铅笔在哪儿时,应说(   )

A、Where  is your pencil?     B、Where is my pencil? 

C、Where are your pencil?

3、当你想对别人说jenny 是你的朋友时,应说(      )

A、He is my friend . B、She is my friend. C、She is your friend.

4、当你告诉别人“这是我的学校”时,应说(      )

A、This is your school. B、This school is your.C、This is my school.

5、当你想介绍你的朋友Kim 给妈妈认识时,应说(     )

A、Mum,his name is Kim. B、Mum ,her name is Kim. C、Mum,this is Kim.

6、你向别人问路时,首先应说(    )

A、Excuse  B、Sorry   C、Hello

7、你问对方是如何到学校时(    )     A、How do you go to school?

B、I go to school by bus .           C、What do you do at school?

8、你想表达“午饭我吃了些肉”应说(   )A、I have meat for lunch.

B、I eat supper with my family.         C、I have lunch at home.

9、你想问对方发生了什么事,应说(     )。  A. How’s wrong with you?

B、How are you ?                C、What’s the matter with you?

10、你想问对方是不是走着去学校,应说( )A、Do you go to school by car?

B、How do you walk to school?            C、Do you walk to school?

11、在加拿大,当对方说对方的话种的好时,对方会说(        )

A、Don’t  say that. B、It’s so so  C、Thank you.

12、你想问对方是不是中国人时,应说(    )

A、Are you form china? B、What’s your name?  C、Are you American?

13、你想帮同学的忙时,应说(     )A、Here it is.

B、Can I help you?     C、Let’s   go.

14、你向对方致谢时,对方会说(      )A、Don’t say that.

B、That’s OK       C、Bye  bye

15、下午你遇见Mr.Zhang,应说(  &nbs

www.ertong6.com p; )。A、Good morning, Mr.Zhang.

B、Good afternoon, Mr.Zhang.      C、Goodbye , Mr.Zhang.

16、如果你问老师教师节是什么时候,老师会说(       )

A、May I   B、July  I    C、September 10

17、当你得到别人的帮助时,你应该说(    ).A、Thank you

 B、Goodbye       C、You are welcome .

18、你想对别人的意见表示赞同时应说(     )A.Yes, you  are  right.

B、Hello         C、How  are you?

19、在你打扰别人之前,应先说(      )A、OK  B、Sorry  C、Sorry

20、你家来客人时你应说(      )A、Goodbye  B、Welcome  C、Yes,you are right

21、想表达“它是一座漂亮的房子”应说(         )A、It’s a house.

B、It’s a nice horse.     C、It’s  a  nice house.

22、如果你想问对方几点了,应说(       )A、Excuse me, what time is it ?

B、What is this?     C、Where is it?

23、当你想问妈妈什么时候吃晚饭时,应说(   )A.What time is breakfast? B.When is lunch?  C.When is supper?

24、你想问对方的钢笔是什么颜色时应说(   )A. This is my pen.

B、What colour is your pen?    C、May I have a look?

25、你想询问对方有多高时应说(      )     A、How tall are you?

B、Are you tall or short?        C、How high  are you?

26、你想询问对方从哪里来应说(    )A、Are  you from Beijing?

B、Where are you from?      C、Where do you live?

27、你想表达该到上课的时间了应说(   )A、It’s  time for class.

B、Let’s  begin classes,               C、I’m going to have class.

28、你想问对方什么时间了应说(    )    A、What do you do?

B.When  is  school?      C.What time is it ?

29、你想问对方的名字时应说(   )A.How old are you?

B.What’s your name?      C、What are you doing ?

30、当别人帮你复习了功课后,你应说(   )A.Thank you for your help.

www.ertong6.com B.Can you help me?     C.That’s   all    right.

31.如果你想问今天的天气如何,应说(    )A.How is the weather like  today?

B.How’s  weather  today?      C.How the  weather today?

32.如果你想买一些香蕉,询问价格应说(    )A.What do you want ?

B.How much are they?      C.How many bananas are there?

33.如果你想把Tom介绍给你的同学应说(   )  A.This is Tom..

B.He is Tom.         C.His name is Tom.



same___   yes___  hot___   below___   under___  

front___  near ___ white ___ sunny___ new___

big___    left ___  short___  inside___  taller__


What is ___    I am___   it is___    is not___ 

do not___     does not___ let us___  can not___


foot___   bus___  I___  this___   is___  he___

that___   boy___  scissor___  month___  day___

leaf___   birthday___ monkey___ sandwich___ 

story___ book___  pencil___  eraser___  library___

















You___   I__  he___  she___   we___


You___   I__  he___  she___

www.ertong6.com 五、写出下列形容词性物主代词的名词性物主代词。

my___  his___ her___ your___



1.How  are you?   Fine, thanks.

2.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.

3.How many books do you have? Fifteen.

4.let’s have some fun!

5.What’s the date?   It’s October 19.

6.What day is it today?  It’s Sunday/Monday/﹍

7.When is New Year’s Day?  It’s in +月份。

8.I like to play with me .I like singing.

9.How’s the weather today?相当于What’s he weather like  today? It’s sunny/cloudy/

10.What time is it ?  It is 7:00/6:30/8:00﹍

11.When is lunch(school)?   At 12:00(8:00)in the afternoon(morning)

12.What is the fifth month?  May is the fifth month.

13.The wind is blowing the tree’s leaves.

14.How old are you?  I’m  +年龄。

15.When is your birthday?   June first.   October fifteenth.

16.How tall are you?      He is 1.2 metres.

17.What are you wearing?   I’m wearing +(a+颜色)+衣服名称。

18.Where do you live ? I live in a house.(an apartment) .Shang Hai/LanZhou﹍

19.What is your address?  My address is 135 Ninth Avenue.

20.How do you go to school(park)  ?     By bus(bicycle car truck taxi) .

21.What colour is it?  It’s+颜色。  I live on Park Road .

22.What’s your favourrite colour?  My favourite colour is +颜色。

23.Do you  like   shorts,  danny? Yes, I do . No, I don’t.

  Does she like appes?  Yes, she does.  No, she doesn’t.

24.What’s your   favourite  food for  lunch?   What’s  the matter? I lost my pen.

25. What do you like to do ?     
