

04-03 16:25:54| http://www.ertong6.com |小学四年级英语试卷|人气:490

一、       抄写。

scarf and hat       bread and milk          morning and afternoon

二、       听单词,把听到的单词的顺序用数字表示出来。

noodles     egg          milk          rice         biscuit       dumplings


三、       把听到的单词或句子与对应的图片连接起来。






1             a  rectangle                a  square window

a  flag        a  round teapot            a  round  ball


  These  are  birds.

The  mouse  is  small.

I  like jam and   bread.

I  like  biscuits.

 Look at the tiger.



What do you like,Lingling?

That’s a bird.



What’s that?

I like milk.

What are those?

I’m fine,thanks.

How are you?

Those are eggs.








四、               请你从每题所给的答案中选取正确的答案序号填在括号里。

          is              am                are

Mingming: good afternoon, D ino. How are you?               (            )

Dino: I             fine,thank you.

  Dino: What _________  your name ?                                   )

Kate:  My name is  Kate .


 A  ladybirds      birds      C  seagulls    D  eggs (据下图选取答案)




Those are __________ .                                                )

Those __________are besutiful.                                        )

There are four ___________in the nest.                                )

Those are __________.                                                 )


     do                    don’t

Anne :  What __________ you like?                                  )

Lingling :  I   like  biscuits.  

         Anne : Do you like rice?                                   

Lingling : I  __________ like rice , I  like  noodles.                )


A     Whose                   B         What’s

Lingling : __________  this?                                           

Kate:   This   is    a    bag.                                

10   Lingling : __________is  this ?    Is it yours, Anne?

Anne :  No,it’s not my bag ,  it’s Mingming’s bag.                   )


A  Good morning       B  Glad to meet you ,too.     How are you ?

11  Mary :  __________ . My name is Mary.                               )

Anne : Good morning, Mary.

Mary : Glad to meet you!

Anne :___________________!                                          )



two  red  circles                                blue   triangle   

 three   triangles                              yellow  square  


