

03-28 10:57:58| http://www.ertong6.com |小学五年级英语试卷|人气:663

一、         按照要求填空:

 they(宾格)             box (复数)        wear(同音词)        

 how many (同义词)           drop(过去式)               


meet             ran

run              went

go               bought

send              did

buy               sent

do                 met


购物单                 做作业                小心           

照一张照片             赶紧匆忙               许多              

在周末                     太多         


(   )What did you do at the weekend ?         a Yes, there are.

 (   )   How many do you want?            b  I did my homework.

  (   )   Are there enough pencils?      c  I went to the British Museum

 (   )   When did you come back?               d  Last Monday.

  (   )  Whose pencil is this ?        &n

www.ertong6.com bsp;     e  It ‘s mine.

(   )Where  did you go ?                    f  Six ,please. 



mine   hers      yours   his   

Sam:  It’s        .

Amy:  It  isn’t            .  It’s             .

Ms Smart:  Don’t  argue .  What’s the matter?

 Amy:  Sam took my T—shirt.   He wants to wear it.

 Sam:  But it isn’t           .  It’s             .

Amy: It  isn’t            .  It’s             .


Hi friends ,

I am from India . My name is Indrani . I am wearing traditional Indian clothes . I am nine years old . I like music and dolls . Yesterday , I played computer games . I finished my homework very late .

From ,


1          The girl’s name is Indrani . (  )

2          She is from Mexico . (  )

3          She likes music and dolls . (  )

4          She usually plays computer games . (  )

She didn’t do her homework yesterday . (  )

七、         作文。(不少于5句话)

Where did you do last weekend ?   Where did you go ?

Who did you go with ?

关键字: 小学五年级英语试卷,五年级英语试卷分析,小学英语试卷