

02-22 21:18:59| http://www.ertong6.com |行业英语|人气:698


  1)What is the matter, sir/ madern……先生/女士,你怎么啦?

  2) I feel really terrible.我感觉很难受。

  3)Right .Now you just go and sit down here.马上坐下。

  4)I‘ll make an appointment for you. Just 5 minutes.我通知医生,稍等5分钟。

  5)Are you sure? 真的吗?

  6)Yes, of cause .当然啦。

  7)You are so kind, thanks .你太好啦!

  8)Well.  have you got the medical record 你带病历了吗?

  9)Yes, I have, 带啦。

  10)Thank you.谢谢。

  (二) 再次见面

  1)Good morning. Mr  Wang, are you feeling all right? 早晨好,王先生,现在好点吗?。

  2)Good morning. Doctor Wang I‘m all right now. Thanks  for  your help 早晨好。我的感觉很好。谢谢你。

   3)You are welcome. 不客气

关键字: 行业英语,英语学习大全,英语教程大全,英语教学   护理英语
