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五年级英语Unit 1《Come with me》教学设计

11-30 14:08:20| http://www.ertong6.com |小学英语教案|人气:504
五年级英语Unit 1《Come with me》教学设计小学英语教案,五年级英语Unit 1《Come with me》教学设计一、教学目标:1、认识目标: Is this your dictionary? No,its not.Its Tonys dictionary. What does she do? Shes a doctor.2、能力目标:Listen and look3、情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,用英语打招呼二、教学内容:Listen and look三、教学重难点:重难点是句型的综合运用。四、课前准备:录音机  单词卡  挂图五、教学过程:1、Listen and sing.  “What do you want to do?”2、Ask and answer:--Whats his name?( Point to Gogo)--His names Gogo.--Can he fly?--Yes,he can.--Can he use magic?--Yes,he can.3、让学生观看VCD,跟读,并把句子板书出来,学生认读。--Where are you going?   --Im going to an island.--We cant  fly.--Come with me./Lets go.4、师生操练、生生操练句型。5、呈现Listen and look,要求学生把听到的句子说出来。6、Pair work and act.7、Point and say.8、Homework  (1)把课文读给家长听。(2)和同学表演对话,用英语和老师、同学打招呼。六、板书设计:Unit One Come with me-- Where are you going?--Im going to an island.--We cant  fly.--Come with me./Lets go.七、教学反思:小部分学生比较难上口,需要反复读说。英语教案由小学教-学设-计网收-集-wWW.xxJXsj.cN

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