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外研社小学三年级英语第二册《Module 2 Zoo.》教案

04-03 14:51:50| http://www.ertong6.com |小学英语教案|人气:585
外研社小学三年级英语第二册《Module 2 Zoo.》教案小学英语教案,


Module 2 Zoo

Unit 1 they’re monkey

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Describe animals.

2. What’s this? It’s….

  What’re they? They’re….

Teaching key points and difficult points:

What’s this? It’s ….

What’re they? They’re….

Teaching methods:

1. Total Physical Response.

2. Play games to go over animals.

Teaching aids:

TV, Tape-recorder, pictures

 Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warm-up

1. Sings a English song “the ABC song”

2. Let’s watch TV about animals

3. Revision (复习):

Play a game “Point to animals” Teacher do action and let students guess animals

Step 2 Presentation

1. 创设情景,呈现任务。


2. 观看动画,整体感知。

3. 教师展示声音及画面,让学生做听音猜动物的游戏,检查学生的自学情况。纠正个别单词错误发音,示范单词、句型的用法。

4. 小组协作,并创编表演对话。让学生自己去探索、去发现描述动物特征的基本规律。

5. Let students listen to the tape follow the tape

6. let students act the text

Step 3


1. Draw a picture about zoo.

2. Make a dialogue in the zoo.




Module 2 Zoo

Unit 2 that monkey is fat.

Teaching objectives:

1. Words and phrases: tree tall short thin

2. Sentences: This tree is tall.

That tree is short.

This monkey is thin.

That monkey is fat.

3. Grammar: describe animals

Teaching procedures: cards, pictures, projection, Tape-recorder

Teaching procedures:

 A .song: The ABC song

 B .Free talk: What’s your favorite color /animal/toy/food?

www.ertong6.com  C New concepts:

Step 1 warm-up:

1. Greet.

2. Do it. Review the commands from Module 2 unit 1

(1)   Look at the picture: What are they?

(2)   Listen to the tape guess what the animal it is.

3. Play a game. Sad face or happy face.

Step 2 learn a text

1. Take out two apples one is big the other is small say this is big and that is small.

2. Take out a picture of tree tell them how to read “tree” and say “look at the trees. This tree is tall. That tree is short”

Take out another picture of monkey tell them how to read “thin” and say “this monkey is fat. That monkey is thin.”

3. Let students act animals let students guess what animals it is.

4. let students listen to the tape follow the tape and then make groups read the chant

5. let students listen to the tape follow the tape to learn the song and then let student make voice let student sing a song.

Step 3 homework

1. Recites the text.

2. Sing English song

