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At a PE lesson

11-30 14:08:20| http://www.ertong6.com |小学英语教学反思|人气:256
At a PE lesson小学英语教学反思,

Step1:free talk

1May I ask you some questions?

Q1:What lessons do you have this term?

Q2:What subject do you like?

2. T: Let’s sing a song 《 Head, shoulder, knees and toes 》

Step2. Presentation

1. T: You sing very well. Are we having a Music lesson now?

S: No.

T: What lesson are we having?

S: We are having an English lesson.

T: Yes. Do you like English?

S: Yes, I do.

T: What other subject do you like?

S: I like…

2. T: I like PE, too. I like doing some exercise

CAI呈现:exercise 运动

Do some exercise 做运动

3. T: Now let’s do some exercise. You should say and yes together.

Let’s chant.

CAI呈现:Turn left, turn left;

          Turn right, turn right.

          Put your fingers on your leg,

          Put your fingers on your neck.

          Touch your knees with your hand,

          Touch your arm with your hand.

4. T: Now listen to my orders carefully. I want to ask you to do actions by yourselves.

Stand up. Put your hands on your shoulders. Touch your knees with your fingers. Sit down.

S: Yes.

T: Put your head on your knee.

It’s a bit difficult. But try to do it.

CAI呈现:try to 尝试做某事

T: Well done. I give you some orders and you try to follow the orders. “ Stand up.” This is an order. “Sit down.”  It’s another order. What does it mean?

S: 命令


give orders发命令

follow the orders 服从命令

5. T: Who can give me orders? I’ll try to follow the orders. OK?

S: OK.

T: This time, work in pairs. Choose a sydent to give orders. Others try to follow the orders.

6. T: Look at the screen. Here are some signs. Do you know the meanings of them? Look!

 CAI呈现:←left →right  turn left and right

↑up ↓down up and down jump up and down

7. T: What’s this?

S: It’s a line.

T: They are standing in a line. Understand?

CAI呈现: ____________ Stand in a line.

Stand in two/ three lines.

T: In the classroom, you are sitting in eight lines.

Step3. Practice

1. T: Look at this picture. The students are standing in a line. Where are they now?

S: They are in the playground.

T: What are they doing there?

S: They are having a PE lesson.

T: Who is the teacher?

S: Mr Ma.

T: What is Mr Ma doing?

S: He is givingg orders.

2. Listen to the tape and repeat.

3. Read together and recite.

4. T: Mr Ma is giving orders. What are his orders?

Listen to the tape and number the sentences. Then check and read together.

5. CAI 呈现:dialogue

Read after the teacher and recite.

6. Rewrite the dialogue. Fill in the blanks.

The students are having a __________ lesson in the __________. Their teacher Mr Ma is giving __________. He says: _________ in a line. Put your ___________ together. Jump _________ and ___________ ten times. Put your __________ on your ________ and turn _________ and ___________.

7. T: At last, I’d like to invite you to be a PE teacher and give your students some orders by yourselves.

Step4. Homework



关键字: 小学英语教学反思,英语教学反思案例,英语教学反思范文   

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