

05-23 01:06:38| http://www.ertong6.com |五年级英语学习|人气:813

UNIT 3 练习

班级_______   姓名  _______

一. 写出相应的答句.

1. ________________________________?   Yes, my aunt’s birthday is in August.

2. ________________________________?   Because I can go skating in winter.

3. ________________________________?   My birthday is in April.

4. ________________________________?   Lily’s birthday is in July.

5. ________________________________?   I usually have a picnic on my birthday.

6. ____________________________?  No, my grandma’s birthday is not in January.

7. ________________________________?   I usually play the piano on Tuesdays.

8. ________________________________?   Because I can eat many fruit in fall.


1: The first month of the year is ________.

2: February is the _______ month of the year.

3: I was born (出生于) in April 20th. So my _______ is in April.

4: There are ____ months in a season. Spring is from _____ to ______. Summer is from ______to _____. Fall is from_____to _____. Winter is from ______ to _______.

三: 补全对话..

1: A ________________________________?    B: It’s sunny and hot in summer.

2: A: _______________________________ ?    B: I like fall best.

3: A: ________________________________?   B: Teacher’s Day is on Sept. 10th.

4: A: ________________________________?    B: There are four holidays in fall.

5.  A: _______________________________?       B: My father’s birthday is in July.
6. A: ________________________________?    B: It’s Wednesday.
7. A: ________________________________?    B: Today is June 10th.

8. A: ________________________________?    B: Amy has a birthday in March.
9.  A: _______________________________?    B: No,my birthday is in October.

10. Is your birthday in August? ( 是)__________________________.

11. Is her birthday in June? (不是)____________________________

四. 给下列句子或对话填上适当的词,使其意思完整通顺.

1. A: __________ do you have English class ?    B: _______ 8:40 .

2. A: _________ do you do ?                  B: _____ am a student .

3. A: __________ do you do ______ the weekend ?   

B: I often ___________ piano.  How _______ you ?

A: I often __________ mountains .

4. Zhang Peng: ________ to meet you .        John: Nice to _________ you , too .

Zhang Peng : When ______ you get up ?     John: ______ 7 : 00 .

Zhang Peng : ________ do you go to bed ?    John : _____ 9:40 .

Zhang Peng : Thank you _______ telling me _________ your day.

John : _________ welcome .

5. Amy : What’s your favourite _________ ?              Mike : Winter .

Amy: What’s the weather like _______ winter ?          Mike: ______ cold .

6. Sarah: _________ season do you like best ?

Mike : I like __________ best . It’s always windy and cool .

Sarah: ________ can you do in _________ ?    Mike : I can _________ kites .

7. Chen Jie: _________ is your birthday ?

John : ________ birthday is ________ May .

8. Amy : _________ is National Day ?

Zhang Peng : ________ October 1st . When is your Independence Day ?

Amy: It’s ___________  ________ .



五. 回答问题.

1. What’s your favourite day ? _______________________________________.

2. What’s your favourite food ? _______________________________________.

3. What’s your favourite fruit ? _______________________________________ .

4. What’s your favourite season ? ______________________________________.

5. What’s the weather like in fall ? _____________________________________ .

6. What’s the weather like in summer ? _________________________________ .

7. What’s the weather like in winter ? ___________________________________ .

8. What’s the weather like in spring ? ___________________________________ .

9. Why do you like spring ? ___________________________________________ .

10. Why do you like summer ? _________________________________________ .

11. Why do you like fall ? _____________________________________________ .

12 . Why do you like winter ? __________________________________________ .

13. When is your birthday ? ____________________________________________ .

14. When is your father’s birthday ? ______________________________________ .

15. When is your mother’s birthday ? _____________________________________ .

16. When is Tree-planting Day ? _________________________________________ .

17. When is New Year’s Day ? __________________________________________ .

18. When is Children’s Day ? ___________________________________________ .

19. When is Army Day ? _______________________________________________ .

20. When is National Day ? _____________________________________________ .

21. When is Christmas Day ? ____________________________________________ .

22. When is Women’s Day ? ____________________________________________ .

23. When is Teachers’ Day ? ____________________________________________ .

24. When is Independence Day ? _________________________________________ .

25. When do you get up ? _______________________________________________ .

26. When do you go to school ? __________________________________________ .

27. When do you do morning exercises ? __________________________________ .

28. What do you do ? __________________________________________________ .

29. What do you do on the weekend ? _____________________________________ .

30. Which season do you like best ? ______________________________________ .

31. What can you do in spring ? __________________________________________ .

32. What can you do in summer ? ________________________________________ .

33. What can you do in fall ? ____________________________________________ .

34. What can you do in winter ? __________________________________________ .

35. When is the best time to go to Beijing ? Why ?

   _____________________________________________________ .

36. When is the best time to go to Hangzhou ? Why ?

   _____________________________________________________ .

37. When is the best time to go to Sanya ? Why ?

   _____________________________________________________ .

38. When is the best time to go to Harbin ? Why ?

   _____________________________________________________ .

39. When is the best time to go to Qingdao ? Why ?

   _______________________________________________________ .



1.                                   ?   My birthday is on August 9th.

2.                                   ?   I can water the flowers.

3.                                   ?   I am going hiking.

4.                                   ?   My father is watching TV.

5.                                   ?   I often make a snowman in winter.

6.                                   ?   There are 12 months in a year.

7.                                   ?  The woman is cleaning the window.

8.                                   ?   Tom is playing sports.

9.                                   ?   My aunt is walking.

10.                                  ?   I am dancing.

11.                                  ?   I can cook dinner.

12.                                  ?   She can fly kites.

13.                                  ?   She is flying kites.

14.                                   ?   Zoom can swim.

15.                                   ?   Zip is swimming.

16.                                   ?   Today is Thursday.

17.                                   ?   Today is May 2nd.

18.                                   ?   I like Monday best.

19.                                   ?   I like pandas best.

20.                                   ?   No, John’s birthday isn’t in April.

21.                                   ?   No, Mike’s birthday is in April.

22.                                   ?   I usually do my homework at 8:00 in the evening.

关键字: 五年级英语学习,五年级英语知识,小学英语学习方法   练习题 英语