

05-23 01:06:38| http://www.ertong6.com |五年级英语学习|人气:895


Unit Four What Can You Do?

一、DBCAA  二、×√×√×

三、1.cook, meals  2.clean,bedroom  3.sweep,floor  4.water,flowers  5.watch  6.read

四、1.housework  2.wash  3.set  4.home  5.make

五、1.do  2.clean  3.meals  4.helpful  5.Are

六、BCBDB  BDABA  七、1E  2A  3D  4C  5B

八、1.What can you do ?   2.Sarah can set the table.  3.Can you water the flowers?

4.I can make the bed.   5.I can sweep the floor?

九、1.put away the clothes  2.Yes,he can  3.She can wash the clothes

4.She can do the dishes   5. He can do the dishes



Unit Five My New Room

一、1.a i  2.o e  3.e  4.a i   5.i r o  6.t h  7.i e  8.u e  9.e i  10.e a

二、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.E 5.D

三、bedrooms, bathrooms, living room, kitchen, over, near, on, mirror, behind

四、1.It’s near the bed.   2.It’s over the bed.  3.Where is the cat?

4.They’re in the pencil-case.  5.Where are the books?

五1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A

六、1.an→a  2.over→on  3.on→near  4.is→are  5.is→are

七、1.The trash bin is behind the door.

2.Many clothes are in the closet.

3.I have my own room.    4.There are two studies in my house.

5.There is a mirror and an end table./an end table and a mirror in the bedroom.


B: 1.small   2.desk   3.clock, radio, books   4.near  

 5. air-conditioner  6.Yes,there is.


Unit Six In A Nature Park

一、1.i e  2.e e  3.o u  4.o w  5.o e  6.i l  7.a r  8.o a  9.d g  10.e a

二、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.E 5.D 6.H 7.I 8.F 9.G 10.J


四、1.Yes, there is.  2.No, there aren’t.  3.Yes, there are.

 4.No, there isn’t.  5.Yes, there are.

五、1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B

六、1.lake, park  2.Is,river  3.there isn’t  4.any,buildings,there are

七、1.Is there a forest in the nature park? 

2.There are many fish in the river.

3.Are there any pandas in the mountain? 

4.There are many houses in my village.

5.You can see many fish. 


B. 1. It’s in the mountains.  2.There is a bridge over the river.  3.Yes, there is. 4.There is a road beside the river.

5.Yes, there are. 



关键字: 五年级英语学习,五年级英语知识,小学英语学习方法   测试题 英语