

09-29 14:00:33| http://www.ertong6.com |小学六年级英语试卷|人气:899

Unit 6 The story of rain

1、 Read and circle.

1)       actor     name     has     back

2)       use      blue      sure     June

3)       wood    good      book    choose

4)       drop     pot       hot      who

5)       short     mirror     corn     morning

6)       learn      bear      pear     wear

7)       lake      water      cake     bake

8)       singer     teacher     her     cleaner

2、 Read and circle.

1)  diving     dinging      dancing      exciting

1)      Football    basketball    playground    baseball

2)      reporter     writer       father       artist

3)      rain        snow       wind        fall

4)      water      flower       sprout        roots

5)      Sunday      yesterday    Saturday     Monday

3、 Read and number.

(   )Plant the seeds in the soil.

(   )Wait for a flower to grow.

(   )Put it under the sun and add some water often.

(   )Wait for the sprout in four or five days.

(   )Have the seeds.

4、 Read and number.

(   )I’m going to wash my clothes.

(   )Wash them several times. Now they’re clean. You can hang them up in the sun.

( 1 )What are you going to do this afternoon?

(   )How do you do that?

(   )What should you do then?

(   )It’s easy. First, put the powder(洗衣粉)and dirty clothes in the water.


5、 Fill in the blanks according to the text about Little Water Drop.

sun   fall   down  drop   heavy   sky    Mr Wind

      hot   sunny   sleep   cloud    warm  


It’s a           day. Little Water Drop           in a river. He wakes up. He feels very        . “It may be cooler up in the        , he thinks. He goes up. he meets          . He meets many other little        , too. They go up together. And become a          . And become very         . They           into a lake. The             comes out. Little Water Drop feels            again.
